

发表于:2025-03-07 作者:发烧潮玩
编辑最后更新 2025年03月07日,5月25日,The Woolmark Company今日以"源自绅士精神"为主题,携手Beautyberry、创世(TRANDS)、雅派朗迪(UPPER)于北京时间博物馆发布了以金羊毛标志(Woolm

5月25日,The Woolmark Company今日以"源自绅士精神"为主题,携手Beautyberry、创世(TRANDS)、雅派朗迪(UPPER)于北京时间博物馆发布了以金羊毛标志(Woolmark Gold)面料的奢华质感为灵感设计的2018春夏新品。活动现场不仅展示了金羊毛标志(Woolmark Gold)精选的17家面料及纱线制造商,嘉宾更可体验美丽诺羊毛从牧场到秀场的理念、高定男装的量体裁衣、以及羊毛牧场虚拟现实的身临其境感。现场展示的金羊毛面料西服突显了美丽诺羊毛的多面优雅。The Woolmark Company更为现场嘉宾及媒体奉献了一场独家时装秀,以及独特的绅士颁奖典礼和绅士派对,共同致敬绅士精神。

(Beijing, China) May 25th 2017 - The Woolmark Company today unveiled itsSpring/Summer 2018 menswear collection under the theme of "The Gentlemen's Guild" at the Oriental Poly Time Museum in Beijing. Created in collaboration with local luxury menswear tailoring labels Beautyberry, TRANDS and UPPER, each piece in the collection was made with premium Woolmark Gold fabrics. The event featured a Woolmark Gold exhibition which included an introduction to all the 17 weavers and spinners; Merino wool elements from farm to fashion; a menswear tailoring display, as well as a wool farm virtual reality experience. Suits made with Woolmark Gold fabrics were also on display to highlight the versatility and beauty of Merino wool. Guests and media were treated to an exclusive fashion show and special Gentlemen's Guild award ceremony, followed by a Gentlemen's Party.

金羊毛标志(Woolmark Gold)代表由优质澳大利亚美丽诺羊毛为纤维、由精选的传统英国和欧洲面料及纱线制造商生产的上等面料及纱线,为高级定制及高端男装提供卓越品质,一直以来都受到世界顶尖设计师和消费者的青睐。

Woolmark Gold represents the finest Australian Merino wool cloths and yarn made by a small, select group of traditional British and European spinners and weavers. Offering superior quality fabrics for high-end menswear, the Woolmark Gold brand is a trusted favorite among the world's most discerning designers and consumers.


The collections are a nod towards China's growing luxury menswear market, where style-conscious customers demand premium quality materials, exquisite craftsmanship and modern silhouettes that reflect the latest global trends.

Beautyberry作为中国本土的设计师品牌,致力于将精湛的传统工艺与现代工艺相结合,推崇"简单、自然、平和"的现代生活方式,拥有简洁大方而不失性感奢华的风格。此次呈现的 以金羊毛标志(Woolmark Gold)面料为灵感设计的2018春夏系列强调身体与服饰本身的空间感,设计师思考着当下新绅士风格,将内心的不羁隐藏在朴素且有质感的外表下,用科技影响工业文明,探寻羊毛制作工艺的多种可能。此外,现场展出的创世(TRANDS)和雅派朗迪(UPPER)的西服新品也带来了令人惊喜的搭配,传承了经典剪裁的同时,又不失最新时尚元素,彰显当代中国绅士的潮流风范与高雅气质。

Embracing the theme "Simplicity, Nature and Balance", home-grown design label Beautyberry married the fine art of traditional tailoring with modern techniques to create clean, tasteful pieces with a touch of luxury and charisma. The Beautyberry Spring/Summer 2018collection inspired by Woolmark Gold emphasizes the sense of space between the body and the garment. Designed for understated sophistication that empowers the modern gentleman with confidence, the collection utilizes technological innovations alongside well-honed expertise to explore the endless versatility of wool. Bespoke suit makers TRANDS and UPPER also captivated the audience with their creations, combining classic silhouettes with cutting-edge trends to capture the modern elegance of China's fashion-conscious gentlemen.

金羊毛标志(Woolmark Gold)以传承绅士精神为己任,曾表彰过多位不同领域内的杰出绅士,致力于共同推广"优雅、责任、极致品质"的现代绅士理念,更对文化传播、社会责任、产业发展起到了积极作用。此次发布会上,The Woolmark Company为傅正刚模特学校校长傅正刚、《大象公会》创始人黄章晋、著名艺术家瞿广慈以及演员兼歌手俞灏明颁发了"金羊毛标志绅士勋章",以表彰他们在各自领域中的杰出贡献和绅士精神。

Acknowledging the spirit of the modern gentleman, Woolmark Gold honoured a group of outstanding gentlemen from diverse industries who not only embody the values of "elegance, responsibility and uncompromising quality", but have also made notable contributions in cultural outreach, social responsibility and entrepreneurship. At the collection launch, Fu Zhenggang modeling school principal Jerry Fu, founder of Elephant Magazine Huang Zhangjin, renowned artist Qu Guangci and actor and singer Yu Haoming were presented with the "Woolmark Gold Gentlemen's Guild" award.

"今年我们继续在中国推广金羊毛项目,把代表精纺羊毛男装面料最高水平的厂商与中国的西服品牌链接,也是连续第二年颁发'The Gentlemen's Guild'勋章,表彰在各领域贡献突出的当代绅士。"The Woolmark Company中国区总经理、大中华及亚洲新市场执行副总裁马捷先生表示:"西服是绅士的盔甲,一套用19.5微米直径澳大利亚美丽诺羊毛纱线织造、度身定制的金羊毛西服,最能体现当代绅士的睿智、优雅和敢于冒险的精神。"

"This year we continue to present the Woolmark Gold collection in China, once again showcasing the finest weavers and spinners, as well as the most premium menswear brands," said Jeff Ma, Country Manager China and Marketing Executive Vice President for Greater China & Developing Markets Asia, The Woolmark Company. "This is also the second time we are presenting 'The Gentlemen's Guild' awards, recognising gentlemen who have made outstanding contributions in various fields. The suit is the modern gentleman's coat of armour, and there is no armour more befitting the sophisticated, elegant and intrepid spirit of the modern gentleman than a tailor-made suit crafted with luxurious 19.5 micron diameter Australian Merino wool."

金羊毛标志(Woolmark Gold)代表由高品质美丽诺羊毛制成的上等面料及纱线它必须由纤维细度低于19.5微米的全新澳大利亚美丽诺羊毛制成,然后经由其精选的英国和欧洲金羊毛标志(Woolmark Gold)认可的面料及纱线制造商生产。选用符合严格标准的面料制作的服装,才有资格获得金羊毛标志(Woolmark Gold)称号。

Woolmark Gold represents the finest cloth and yarns made from Australian Merino wool. It must be made from only new Australian Merino wool with a fibre diameter of 19.5 microns or less, and then it must have been woven or spun by one of a select group of British and European Woolmark Gold-accredited weavers and spinners. A cloth must meet strict criteria to qualify for Woolmark Gold status.

The Woolmark Company是权威的毛纺织品认证机构,与全球各国的毛纺织和时装企业建立合作关系。我们将澳大利亚羊毛视为最天然的制衣纤维和高奢时装的首选面料。


The Woolmark Company是澳大利亚羊毛发展公司(Australian Wool Innovation)的全资子公司,是一个由2.4万名牧民所共同拥有的非盈利性组织,致力于为澳大利亚羊毛的全球供应提供研发和市场推广服务。

The Woolmark Company is the global authority on wool. Through our extensive network of relationships spanning the international textile and fashion industries, we highlight Australian wool's position as the ultimate natural fibre and premier ingredient in luxury apparel.

The Woolmark logo is one of the world's most recognised and respected brands, providing assurance of the highest quality, and representing pioneering excellence and innovation from farm through to finished product.

The Woolmark Company is a subsidiary of Australian Wool Innovation, a not-for-profit enterprise owned by more than 24,000 woolgrowers that invests in research, development and marketing throughout the worldwide supply chain for Australian wool.