
阿里巴巴主动宣布离开IACC 马云强势抨击IACC被个别企业成员利益绑架

发表于:2025-01-11 作者:发烧潮玩
编辑最后更新 2025年01月11日,2016年5月18日报道:本以为阿里巴巴和国际打假联盟联合上演的一场"狗血"闹剧,伴随着阿里巴巴被清除出该联盟已经宣告剧终。不过,周三清晨,阿里巴巴的一则针对上述事件的声明,让自己再次主动走进聚光灯下


  中国电商巨头Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. (NYSE:BABA) 阿里巴巴周三清晨五点,透过其新浪微博账号针对被International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition(简称IACC)国际反假货联盟清除发表中文版四点声明,前三点声明极力鼓吹该集团的打假态度和成果,而第四点声明则图穷匕见,抨击IACC逆势而为,并称IACC被个别企业成员利益所绑架,"呼吁"IACC应全面改革,顺应时代潮流。


  另外,在阿里巴巴的一份英文版声明中,该集团发言人Jennifer Kuperman称,IACC将阿里巴巴除名是令人遗憾的,走向错误的方向。Jennifer Kuperman 同时表示,集团创始人、董事会主席Jack MA将不会出现在IACC的春季峰会上做演讲,改由集团总裁Michael Evans发表演讲。

  从中英文两份声明来看,阿里巴巴的中文声明要强硬许多,而英文声明则较为婉转,其"强国 style"立显。

  以售假而在全球市场臭名昭著的阿里巴巴在4月份被IACC接纳后便成为"过街老鼠",先是包括彭博在内的知名媒体对其进行"阿里巴巴的40000大盗"的舆论讽刺,随后Michael Kors Holdings Ltd. (NYSE:KORS)、Gucci古驰和美国珠宝品牌Tiffany & Co. (NYSE:TIF) 蒂芙尼相继退出IACC,表达对IACC的不满和阿里巴巴加入IACC的愤怒。


  果不其然,周五,美联社发布调查报道,踢爆IACC总裁Robert Barchiesi和阿里巴巴存在巨大利益关系,Robert Barchiesi不但持有阿里巴巴股份,其家族成员和阿里巴巴负责知识产权的副总裁Matthew Bassiur还曾经是上下属关系;除此之外,Robert Barchiesi的家族企业和IACC亦有交易纪录。上述诸多关系,令Robert Barchiesi饱受道德指责。

  在美联社报道后,IACC周五亦立即做出回应,检讨联盟管理程序存在漏洞,并宣布在接纳阿里巴巴仅一个月后便将该中国电商巨头踢出联盟,不幸的是,另外两间同时加入的公司Wish.com 和 The RealReal "躺枪"同时被踢出。

  事已至此,IACC、阿里巴巴和IACC的品牌会员矛盾势必加深。那么,此次闹剧中,相互指责的三方,究竟谁表现的更像一个"商业流氓"呢?是作为唯一的组织、"里外不是人"的IACC?还是以售假臭名昭著、创始人马云抨击奢侈品"凭什么卖那么贵,必须改变商业模式"的阿里巴巴?亦或是不断以退出威胁IACC的会员如Gucci、Tiffany & Co. 等知名品牌呢?








  Alibaba Reiterates Firm Commitment To Partnership

  Alibaba remains firmly committed to the protection of intellectual property rights and combatting counterfeits. We believe the most effective way to solve the counterfeiting problem is through strong industry collaboration. Intermediaries like Alibaba must be an integral part of the solution. We believe the IACC's suspension of the general membership category is a step in the wrong direction and regrettable. It highlights a fundamental difference in how we want to solve this problem.

  Alibaba has had a zero-tolerance policy towards counterfeit goods. We are leading a constructive and collaborative approach to anti-counterfeiting that involves working closely with all brands, regardless of our standing with the IACC. Unfortunately, those who pressured the IACC on this decision prefer a confrontational approach: pitting brands against Alibaba and other industry participants in the hopes of prolonged litigation.

  Alibaba had chosen to join the IACC in order to work with more brands on data-driven anti-counterfeit initiatives, and to exchange best practices in intellectual property protection. The world today is vastly different from the era when the IACC was created. Counterfeiters are becoming increasingly high-tech, global, and hidden. We believe brands must look ahead to a world where the internet and online commerce play a significant role in the way consumers live and shop. Now is the time for partnership and action. Together, we must embrace the future. We encourage the IACC and the entire industry to adapt to current trends, adopt a more open and collaborative approach, and embrace new technologies in order to bring about positive change for the industry and all its members.

  The most recent IACC decision will not impact our aggressive fight against counterfeits. We look forward to engaging with the IACC membership on IP enforcement issues on May 19th in Orlando, Florida. Given the IACC's desire for additional time to reflect upon the viability of its general membership category, Alibaba feels it best that Jack Ma postpone his appearance. We have informed the IACC of our decision, and are pleased to announce that the President of Alibaba Group, Michael Evans, will represent Alibaba at the conference.